16 Juni 2008

We’ll be Right Back

Nope, this is definitely not the end of our activities. We are currently making plans for the new academic year of 2008-2009.

ExoroGame Roadshow will be started as soon as the schools’ new academic year starts. If you are interested and wish to get more information about ExoroGame Roadshow or if you want the ExoroTeam to come and visit your school, please leave your comment in this blog or contact us via exoro.indonesia@gmail.com.

So, get ready for more ExoroGame and be prepared for next year competition!!

13 Juni 2008

Wrapping Up

ExoroGame Global Challenge 2008 telah menutup rangkaian kegiatan ExoroIndonesia di tahun ajaran 2007-2008. Kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan, baik moral maupun material, demi suksesnya rangkaian kegiatan ExoroIndonesia.

Kami juga menyadari masih terdapat banyak kekurangan dalam acara ini. Atas nama panitia, kami memohon maaf atas segala kesalahan yang kami lakukan dan kami berusaha untuk memperbaiki kesalahan tersebut di masa yang akan datang. Panitia sangat menghargai saran dan kritik yang telah diberikan oleh para peserta, yang akan kami gunakan sebagai masukan dalam menyelenggarakan rangkaian acara selanjutnya yang lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih.

Note: Untuk kritik dan saran, harap meninggalkan comment di blog ini atau kirimkan email ke exoro.indonesia@gmail.com.

10 Juni 2008

ExoroGame Global Challenge

Business can be harsh. Business can be friendly.

This reality is reflected in the ExoroGame Global Challenge, held on 2-4 June 2008 in MYMCA Hotel Singapore. Over 40 teams participated in this challenge. From Indonesia, there were 4 teams taking part in this competition. These 4 teams were from SMAK 4 BPK Penabur, SMAK Abdi Siswa, SMA Tarakanita 2 and Prasetiya Mulya Business School.

The first day was still an introductory stage for all the companies. Most companies were run independently, showing safe and steady progress. It seemed that the companies were still reluctant to make a big move. They tend to play safe while making a close observation to the competitors’ strength. Well, everyone needs warming up..

On the second day, the competition was getting rougher. The products were arranged in such a way that the supply to companies were very limited. This supply shortage had forced the companies to find innovative solution to keep the availability of goods to be sold to customer. Bidding for supplies was inevitable; increasing cost greatly, a disadvantage for companies. It is a good example showing that scarcity will always occur in our daily life. Sooner or later, there will be some circumstances that will cause supply shortage, followed by a significant increase in price, just like the price of oil that keeps increasing these days.

Basically, on the second day, the game was unpredictable and companies found difficulty in forecasting their profit and revenue in each round. Adaptation was crucial and companies were expected to find opportunity to survive. An approach that I found very impressive is the one that buys supplies not directly from the supplier, but from other companies that failed to sell their goods on the customer table. (Those who have played ExoroGame would know what I am talking about.) Never think about it, right? Doing this, the company did not need to go through those bidding process and would be able to purchase goods at normal price. What an opportunist mindset!

The third day and the final day of the competition was the most exciting day of competition. Why? Firstly, it is because of the modification of the game. Before the game started, the companies were given a piece of paper with several profiles. Each profile had different amount of starting capital and unique specialties. Each company had to choose a profile most suited to their management style and strategy. Secondly, on this day, there were really a lot of negotiations and mergers going on among all the companies. There were mutually benefit negotiations, but there were also mergers to revenge and defeat a company that monopolized the game in unethical way, I believe.

At this point, ethical and moral issues are questioned. In business, you will always face many unethical ways to expand your business. There is always a grey area of regulation for you to play around with. But in my opinion, integrity is the key success in running a business. That is proven since many big and successful companies have integrity as one of their core values.

So, finally, the competition ended. The result announced during the prize award ceremony was as followed:

· 1st winner : Hwa Chong Institution

· 2nd winner : St. Andrew Junior College

· 3rd winner : Temasek Junior College

Although there is no winner from Indonesia, I think it is a good experience for all of us to take part in such competition where so much thinking and strategizing involved. After all, we had fun together and hope that we could send some delegates again next year.

09 Juni 2008

ExoroGame Global Challenge

ExoroGame Global Challenge diadakan pada tanggal 2-4 Juni 2008 di Singapura.

22 Mei 2008

Networking Dinner

Acara Networking Dinner ini merupakan puncak acara dari ExoroGame Competition 2008. Selain acara makan malam bersama yang diikuti oleh peserta, guru dan kepala sekolah dari beberapa sekolah yang mengikuti ExoroGame Competition 2008, nama-nama pemenang ExoroGame Competition 2008 yang mendapatkan Grand Prize ke Singapura mengikuti ExoroGame Global Challenge juga akan diumumkan dalam acara ini.

Acara diadakan di dining hall Prasetiya Mulya. Para hadirin dipersilahkan untuk menyantap hidangan yang tersedia terlebih dahulu. Pada pukul 19.40, akhirnya tiba waktunya untuk pengumuman pemenang. Suasana ruangan menjadi hening dan menegangkan pada waktu score akhir dari Babak Final ExoroGame ditayangkan pada screen.

And the winner is … *drum rolls*

st winner
SMAK 4 BPK Penabur

(Ariestarkus, Yeremia Reinhard, Yena Piscella)

2nd winner
SMAK Abdi Siswa

(Christian Hadiwibawa, Beatrice Etania, Cindy Dewinta)

rd winner
SMA Tarakanita 2

(Jervis, Yohanes, Felicia Regina)

Congratulations to all winners!

Eh, tapi, jangan seneng-seneng dulu, yah. Kalian masih punya tugas besar untuk ikut dalam ExoroGame Global Challenge di Singapore. Jia you!

'Young People in Business' Seminar

Sebagai salah satu rangkaian acara dalam ExoroGame Competition 2008, panitia juga menyelenggarakan seminar yang bertema ‘Young People in Business’. Sejalan dengan visi kami dalam memperkenalkan entrepreneurship kepada generasi muda Indonesia, seminar ini bertujuan untuk memberikan inspirasi bagi generasi muda, khususnya mereka yang mengikuti ExoroGame Competition 2008, serta menarik minat mereka untuk terjun ke dunia bisnis.

Dalam seminar ini, kami menampilkan 3 pembicara muda yang masing-masing sedang menggeluti bisnis dalam bidang yang berbeda.

Yoris Sebastian

Deddy Corbuzier


28 April 2008

End of ExoroGame Roadshow 2007-2008

Mendekati penghujung bulan April 2008, berakhir pula ExoroGame Roadshow untuk tahun ajaran 2007-2008.

Berikut ini adalah SMA-SMA yang telah dikunjungi oleh tim Exoro selama ExoroGame Roadshow berlangsung:

- SMAK 4 BPK Penabur (15 Maret 2008)
- SMAK BPK Penabur Tirta Marta (17 Maret 2008)
- SMA Al-Izhar (18 Maret 2008)
- SMAK Abdi Siswa (18 Maret 2008)
- SMA Labschool Kebayoran (25 Maret 2008)
- SMA Sang Timur (29 Maret 2008)
- SMAN 81 Internasional (29 Maret 2008)
- SMA Providentia (1 April 2008)
- SMA Pembangunan Jaya (3 April 2008)
- SMA St. John (8 April 2008)
- SMAK BPK Penabur Gading Serpong (9 April 2008)
- SMA Seruni Don Bosco (11 April 2008)
- SMA Al-Azhar Pusat (12 April 2008)
- SMAK 5 BPK Penabur (22 April 2008)

Selain itu, kami juga mengadakan in-house ExoroGame Workshop untuk sekolah-sekolah yang belum sempat dikunjungi oleh tim ExoroIndonesia. ExoroGame Workshop ini diselenggarakan sebanyak 2 kali, yaitu pada tanggal 19 dan 26 April 2008, bertempat di kampus Prasetiya Mulya Business School.

ExoroGame Workshop tanggal 19 April diikuti oleh 7 tim yang berasal dari SMA berikut:
- SMA Kolese Kanisius
- SMA Budi Mulia Bogor
- SMAN 78
- SMA Global Islamic School

ExoroGame Workshop tanggal 26 April 2008 diikuti oleh 15 tim yang berasal dari SMA berikut:
- SMAN 70 Internasional
- SMA Kalam Kudus
- SMA Tarakanita 2
- SMA Kolese Kanisius

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada sekolah-sekolah yang telah berpartisipasi. Tak lupa kami mengingatkan para siswa-siswi yang telah mengikuti ExoroGame Workshop selama Roadshow berlangsung untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam ExoroGame Competition. Detail mengenai kompetisi akan dikirimkan ke sekolah masing-masing melalui fax.